    Mrs. Koerner
    Subject/Grade: language arts literacy grades  5,  6 pull out resource, 6th grade literature, 6th grade Language Arts Workshop
    Phone Ext.:120
    Welcome to Mrs. Koerner's language arts literacy class!
    Third and fourth graders will be working with our Fountas&Pinnell reading program this year. In addition to using our reading program, we will be reading other stories which interest us. Also, we will be working hard with writing, speaking, and listening. 
    Fifth graders will be starting off the school year reading Wonder, followed by The One and Only Bob, Number the Stars, and  a few other titles. We will also be using the Fountas&Pinnell reading program periodically during the week. 
    Sixth graders will start off the year with a mythology unit, followed by The Devil's Arithmetic,  White Fang, The Red Pony, poetry, a short story unit, and wrapping up the year with The Outsiders. Other than the mythology unit and The Outsiders, readings may not occur in this order.
    Students in 5 will have spelling each week, while students in grades 5 and 6 will have new vocabulary each week. Some vocab will come directly from the stories being read, and some will be important words to include in writing. 
    Please check your child's assignment pad and the Google classroom for homework and important news throughout the week. 
    IXL at home:  login
                           username: student's full first and last name 339        example: johnsmith339
                           password: 0000lunch code                                           example: 00005678
Last Modified on August 27, 2024