

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Joanne Ferguson

Dear students,

During our year together we will learn many new things about our world, our selves, and each other.  We will share new experiences and help one another in many ways.  I feel lucky that I will be able to get to know you this year, and I look forward to both teaching and learning from you.  Since we will be spending so much time together I thought that we should share some of the stories of our lives.  Here is my story, as briefly as possible!

I grew up in West Paterson, New Jersey.  Today that town is called Woodland Park. I still can’t get used to the fact that my town had its name changed! My dad was an electrician, and my mother taught middle school social studies.  In fact, she was my teacher for quite a few years, and she was the very best teacher that I have ever known.  She is now retired and living with my family.  My dad passed away in 2003, and I think of him every single day. My brother, John, is six years older than me.  He is married and works as an executive for a major retail corporation in New York City. He and his wife, Jeanine, are the happy parents of my 9½ year old nephew, Jack.

I started teaching in 1995 and came to Allamuchy in 1999.  This means that I may have taught many of your siblings, relatives, and friends.  Allamuchy is a very special place, and I am so grateful to have the chance to live and work within this community. You may not realize it right now, but trust me… you’re lucky to be growing up here!

My life has changed in many ways since I came to Allamuchy.  My husband and I were married in 2002, and we have welcomed two amazing children into our lives. My daughter, Riley, has just started her first year at the University of Delaware....Go Blue Hens! Cooper, my son, is a sophomore at Morris Catholic. They are the lights of my life, and being their Mom has made me a better teacher.  Why?  I now know how difficult it is for your parents to entrust you to me every day.  You are your parents’ greatest joy and hope, and when you leave them you carry their hearts with you everywhere.  Knowing this means that I will, above all, make sure that I treat you with kindness.  You are the greatest treasures your parents and grandparents have ever known, and I will always treat you the way that I want my own children to be treated.

Why have I told you all of this?  I want you to learn to expect to be surprised in this class.  Whether it is by me, by your classmates, or by the lessons of history, life will surprise you in the most unexpected ways.  You are on the verge of greatness, and I am so honored to be with you along the way.  Let’s look forward to an extraordinary year!


Mrs. Ferguson

Last Modified on August 31, 2022