- Allamuchy Township School District
- COVID-19 Resources and Activities - copy
Covid-19 Resources and Mental Health Support
During this challenging time for all our families, we are here and available to help you navigate through this emotional time. If counseling services are wanted during this difficult time, please contact your school counselor.
Julie Profito - ATS - jprofito@aes.k12.nj.us
Additional Resources for COVID-19 and Mental Health
National Suicide Prevention Hotline- 1-800-273- TALK (8255) or text "START" to 741741
NJ Youth Helpline 888-222- 2228 https://www.2ndfloor.org/
NJ Suicide Prevention Hotline 1 855-654 6735 http://njhopeline.com/
CDC https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html
Family Crisis Intervention Unit 908-454-4470 ext 312
PerformCare https://www.performcarenj.org/index.aspx 877-652-7624
Children's Mobile Response 732-587-8944
TriCounty CMO 908-526-3900
Family Guidance https://www.fgcwc.org 908-689-1000
St. Luke's Warren Hospital ED 908-847-6767
Hackettstown Hospital ED 908-850-6800
Imagine- A Center for Coping and Loss -https://www.imaginenj.org/
Great Resource for Mindfulness- https://www.uscareerinstitute.edu/library/health-wellness-and-mindfulness-resources-for-home
Needing Support Regarding Mental Health and Coronavirus (COVID-19)
National Association of School Psychologists: Talking to Parents About COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
Child Mind Institute: Parents resource for talking with children
CDC: "Talking to Kids About the Coronavirus"
World Health Organization (WHO): Helping Children Cope with Stress During the 2019-nCoV Outbreak
John Hopkins, Article on Helping teens cope with COVID 19: https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/johns-hopkins-childrens-center/patients-and-families/_documents/covid-19-resources-for-families/covid19-teen-info-sheet.pdf