• Parents and Guardians:

    Do you have a preschooler experiencing significant difficulties with speech and language, fine motor skills, gross motor skills, or behavior? Is he/she struggling to learn the basic early concepts? Is your school age child struggling with reading or math? Does your child have difficulty with writing tasks or written expression?

    Project Child Find was established by the New Jersey State Department of Education as a public awareness and referral service to assist parents and professionals by identifying free available early intervention programs and services for infants and toddlers through two years of age, and free, appropriate public education programs and services for pupils who are disabled and between three and twenty-one years of age. Parents or other appropriate persons may refer children who are experiencing significant difficulties.

    BABIES FROM BIRTH TO AGE 3 who are thought to have developmental delays may receive assistance from the Early Intervention Program.  To access these services, parents should contact the Warren County Special Child Health Services at 908-475-7960 and ask for the Case Management Unit.  For additional information, please visit the Warren County Special Child Health Services website or the NJ Health Early Intervention website.

    CHILDREN AGES 3 TO 5 who are experiencing physical, sensory, emotional, communication, cognitive and/or social difficulties may be eligible for special education and related services through their local Child Study Team.  Parents should contact the Allamuchy Township School District Child Study Team office at 908-852-1894 x158.  for further information.

    IF PARENTS ARE CONCERNED ABOUT THEIR SCHOOL AGE CHILD'S PROGRESS, they should feel free to discuss such issues with their child's teacher and/or principal.  Parents have the option of making a referral to the RTI Team, or Response to Intervention. The RTI team offers intervention procedures that are provided within the regular education school program.  At times, more extensive interventions are necessary to assist the student.  If a determination is made that a full Child Study Team evaluation is required, the child's social, emotional, and academic status may be assessed.  Medical or other specialized evaluations may also be included at no cost to the parent.  If a child is determined to be eligible for special education and related services, an IEP or Individualized Education Plan will be developed.  The IEP will include a rationale for the student's educational placement and the basis for program implementation.

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