- Allamuchy Township School District
- Second Step (SEL) Program
School Counselor
Page Navigation
- Overview
- Julie Profito: Supervisor of Student Support Services/School Counselor
- Megan Schmidt: MVS School Counselor
- Family Resources
- COVID-19 Resources and Activities
- Additional COVID19 Information
- Dealing with the Holidays during a Pandemic
- Parent Corner
- Discussing Current Events
- Our School's Anti-Bullying Rules
- Cyberbullying
- Second Step (SEL) Program
- Character Education Topic Information
- Suicide Awareness/Prevention
Mindfulness Practices that lead to Resiliency
- How to describe a feeling!
- Managing Social Worry
- Mindfulness for Teens and Tweens
- Promoting Sensible Thinking with Your Teen/Tween
- The Path of Mindfulness
- Defining your Personal Power
- Managing Your Expectations
- Understanding Who I am
- Mindfulness and Family
- How to Purposefully Journal
- Starting off the New Year with Positive Self-Talk
- Mindful Poetry
- Talking Points for talking with children regarding the recent tragedy
- "High School and Beyond"
- Week of Respect 2024
- School Safety and Anti-Violence Week 2024
- Red Ribbon Week 2024
- Talking to Children - When Scary Things Happen
Degrees and Certifications:
Second Step Program- Social Emotional Learning
What is Second Step?
Second Step is a program that the teachers will use in the classroom to help teach Social Emotional Learning (SEL). This program will be utilized K-5 by the teachers, staff and students.
"Second Step is a program rooted in social-emotional learning (SEL) that helps transform schools into supportive, successful learning environments uniquely equipped to encourage children to thrive. More than just a classroom curriculum, Second Step’s holistic approach helps create a more empathetic society by providing education professionals, families, and the larger community with tools to enable them to take an active role in the social-emotional growth and safety of today’s children." - Second Step's Website
The NJ Department of Education is moving forward with SEL. NJDOE is looking to teach the whole student, not just academically. Here at ATSD, we agree and the Second Step Program is a step in the right direction.
"Social and emotional learning (SEL) refers to the process by which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary to do the following: understand and manage emotions; set and achieve positive goals; feel and show empathy for others; and make responsible decisions. Students in SEL programs are more likely to attend school and receive better grades, and are less likely to have conduct problems. Successful infusion of SEL can result in positive behaviors, increased academic success, and caring communities."- NJ DOE Website