- Allamuchy Township School District
- Discussing Current Events
School Counselor
Page Navigation
- Overview
- Julie Profito: School Counselor
- Family Resources
- COVID-19 Resources and Activities
- Additional COVID19 Information
- Dealing with the Holidays during a Pandemic
- Parent Corner
- Discussing Current Events
- Our School's Anti-Bullying Rules
- Cyberbullying
- Second Step (SEL) Program
- Character Education Topic Information
- Suicide Awareness/Prevention
Mindfulness Practices that lead to Resiliency
- How to describe a feeling!
- Managing Social Worry
- Mindfulness for Teens and Tweens
- Promoting Sensible Thinking with Your Teen/Tween
- The Path of Mindfulness
- Defining your Personal Power
- Managing Your Expectations
- Understanding Who I am
- Mindfulness and Family
- How to Purposefully Journal
- Starting off the New Year with Positive Self-Talk
- Mindful Poetry
- Talking Points for talking with children regarding the recent tragedy
- "High School and Beyond"
- Week of Respect 2024
- School Safety and Anti-Violence Week 2024
- Red Ribbon Week 2024
- Talking to Children - When Scary Things Happen
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Below are some helpful tips for when you choose to discuss with your student about difficult topics, such as current events. It is helpful to be cognizant of your child’s age when talking with them. As always, we are here if you need any assistance from the school counselors.
Mrs. Profito and Miss. Megan
Talking with Students About Current Events in the News
“If we don’t let children know it’s okay to feel sad and scared, they may feel that something is wrong when they do feel that way.” - Fred Rogers
- Discover what your student knows about the event or recent event
- Students may find out about recent events through Media post, Social Websites, online discussions with classmates or over hearing conversations
- Explore what your child perception may be about the event
- Parents should clarify perceptions with facts
- Reassurance is the key to work through these emotions
- Remind them that it is okay to talk about uncomfortable events
- Explore the feelings of being sad, angry, and scared (validate your child’s feelings)
- Allow your student to ask questions during the discussion
- Encourage questions about present understanding and future events
- You will not always have the answer- If you do not know how to respond, indicate to your child that you will get back to them after your research and discover information
- Develop an understanding of the events together through discussion and emotional bonding
- Stress that your child’s safety is important to you
- Reassure their safety and well-being
- Discuss how as a family what is you do to keep your child safe
Pharaphrasized and modified from: Lydia Breiseth (ColorinColorado.org)