- Allamuchy Township School District
- Cyberbullying
School Counselor
Page Navigation
- Overview
- Julie Profito: Supervisor of Student Support Services/School Counselor
- Megan Schmidt: MVS School Counselor
- Family Resources
- COVID-19 Resources and Activities
- Additional COVID19 Information
- Dealing with the Holidays during a Pandemic
- Parent Corner
- Discussing Current Events
- Our School's Anti-Bullying Rules
- Cyberbullying
- Second Step (SEL) Program
- Character Education Topic Information
- Suicide Awareness/Prevention
Mindfulness Practices that lead to Resiliency
- How to describe a feeling!
- Managing Social Worry
- Mindfulness for Teens and Tweens
- Promoting Sensible Thinking with Your Teen/Tween
- The Path of Mindfulness
- Defining your Personal Power
- Managing Your Expectations
- Understanding Who I am
- Mindfulness and Family
- How to Purposefully Journal
- Starting off the New Year with Positive Self-Talk
- Mindful Poetry
- Talking Points for talking with children regarding the recent tragedy
- "High School and Beyond"
- Week of Respect 2024
- School Safety and Anti-Violence Week 2024
- Red Ribbon Week 2024
- Talking to Children - When Scary Things Happen
Cyberbullying is a relatively new form of violence. It is the sending or posting of harmful, threatening, or cruel text or images using the Internet or other digital communication devices (cyberbullying.org). It is emerging as one of the more challenging issues facing educators and parents as young people embrace the Internet and other mobile communication technologies.
Internet Super Heroes uses 5 age-specific superheroes (e.g., X-Men, Spider Man, etc.) to educate young children about Internet safety and cyberbullying. Other resources for educators stress online safety in school.
Wired Safety informs parents, educators, law enforcement officers, and youth about Internet safety such as cyberbullying, cyberstalking and online sexual predators. It maintains an anonymous cyberbullying report center.
http://www.wiredsafety.orgOnline website that interactive and teaches kids how to be safe online. This website has videos and games to help practice safety!