- Allamuchy Township School District
- Character Education Topic Information
School Counselor
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- Julie Profito: Supervisor of Student Support Services/School Counselor
- Megan Schmidt: MVS School Counselor
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Mindfulness Practices that lead to Resiliency
- How to describe a feeling!
- Managing Social Worry
- Mindfulness for Teens and Tweens
- Promoting Sensible Thinking with Your Teen/Tween
- The Path of Mindfulness
- Defining your Personal Power
- Managing Your Expectations
- Understanding Who I am
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- Talking to Children - When Scary Things Happen
Character Education
Character Education
According to the Comprehensive Health and Physical Education's Curriculum Standards, all students will use life skills to support a healthy active lifestyle.
By the end of Grade 2, students will:
2.2.2 D. Character Development:
Explain that a person's character and values are reflected in the way a person thinks feels and acts.
Building upon knowledge and skills gained in preceding grades, by the end of Grade 4, students will:
2.2.4 D. Character Development:
1. Describe character traits and core ethical values such as trustworthiness, responsibility, respect, caring, justice, fairness, civic virtue, and citizenship.
2. Discuss how an individual's character positively impacts individual and group goals and success.
Building upon knowledge and skills in preceding grades, by the end of grade 6, students will:
2.2.6 D. Character Development:
1. Describe actions and situations that show evidence of good character.
2. Discuss the characteristics of a role model and how role models influence the personal goals and ethical standards of others.
Building upon knowledge and skills gained in preceding grades, by the end of grade 8, students will:
2.2.8 D. Character Development:
1. Analyze how character development can be enhanced and supported by individual, group and team activities.
2. Compare and contrast the characteristics of various role models and the core ethical values they represent.
3.Explain how community and public service supports the development of core ethical values.
4. Analyze personal and group adherence to student codes of conduct.
Pillars of Character:
Self Discipline
Trust/Honesty :
- Be Honest by Being True to Yourself
- Be Honest by Telling the Truth
- Be Honest by Being Sincere
- Be Honest by Accepting responsibility
- Be Respectful by Using Good Manners
- Be Respectful by Considering the Feelings of Others
- Be Respectful by Expressing Wishes (without demands)
- Be Respectful by Sharing and Being Appreciative
- Be Respectful by Dealing with Anger Appropriately
Caring/Compassion: Grades 1-5 (Comprehensive):
- Show Compassion/Caring by being Kind
- Show Compassion/Caring by being Helpful
- Show Compassion/Caring Through Giving
- Show Compassion/Caring through Being Humane
- Show Compassion/Caring by Being Empathetic
- Show Compassion/Caring by Being Forgiving
- Be a Good Citizen by Being a Good Friend
- Be a Good Citizen by Appreciating Nature
- Be a Good Citizen by Learning about your Country
- Be a Good Citizen of your School (following rules)
- Be a Good Citizen in Your Neighborhood
- Be a Good Citizen in your Home
- Be Responsible by Being Accountable
- Be Responsible by Learning from Mistakes
- Be Responsible by Dealing with Disappointment
- Be Responsible by Accepting Consequences
- Have Integrity by Thinking for Yourself
- Have Integrity by Appreciating Yourself
- Have Integrity by Doing your very Best
- Have Integrity by Working Well with others
- Have Integrity by Being the Best You Can Be
- Have Integrity by Standing Up for Who You Are
- Persevere by Having Patience
- Persevere by Having a Positive Attitude
- Persevere by Getting the Job/Chore Done
Self Discipline:
- Be Self-Disciplined by Changing Bad habits
- Be Self-Disciplined by Considering Consequences
- Be Self-Disciplined by Helping Yourself
Grades 6-8
Self Discipline
Select Goals and Quotes for Reflection:
Goal: Student assumes responsibility for routine tasks.
"Responsibility is the price of greatness."
Winston Churchill
Goal: Student follows classroom procedures.
"Don't put the cart before the horse."
Latin Proverb
Goal: Student shows respect for authority figures.
"Courtesy costs nothing."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Goal: Student can analyze classroom problems and come up with solutions.
"The door to success is always marked push."
Goal: Student recognizes the need for fair rules and laws.
"If you want peace,work for justice"
Goal: Student can recognize examples of community service.
"Snowflakes are one of nature's most fragile things, but just look at what they can do when they stick together."
Vesta M. Kelly
Self Discipline
Goal: Student can distinguish between wants and needs.
"The more you have, the more you want."
Latin proverb
Goal: Student can establish rapport with his/her own peer group.
"Sticks in a bundle are unbreakable."
Africian Proverb
Goal: Student expresses affection appropriately.
"Kindness begets kindness."
Goal: Student recognizes the need for fair rules and laws.
"Ignorance of the law excuses no man."
Goal: Student empathizes with others.
"One kind action is better than a thousand kind thoughts."
Author Unknown
Self Discipline
Goal: Student distinguishes between wants and needs.
"You can't always get what you want."
Rolling Stones